This command establishes a movies Poster Frame as the current visible frame in the movie window. Not available now because there are no active movies.
Set Poster Frame
This command establishes a movies Poster Frame as the current visible frame in the movie window.
Play/Pause Movie
This command causes the current active movie to play or pause depending on its current state. Not available now because there are no active movies.
Play/Pause Movie
This command causes the current active movie to play or pause depending on its current state.
Loop Back And Forth
This command causes the active movie to loop back and forth (play backwards when it is finished playing forwards). Not available now because there are no active movies.
Loop Back And Forth
This command causes the active movie to loop back and forth (play backwards when it is finished playing forwards).
Loop Movie
This command causes the active movie to repeat playing when it is finished. Not available now because there are no active movies.
Loop Movie
This command causes the active movie to repeat playing when it is finished.
Fill Screen
This command changes the size of the current active movie to one which will fill the entire screen. Not available now because there are no active movies.
Fill Screen
This command changes the size of the current active movie to one which will fill the entire screen.
Double Size
This command changes the size of the current active movie to double its normal size. Not available now because there are no active movies.
Double Size
This command changes the size of the current active movie to double its normal size.
Normal Size
This command changes the size of the active movie to its normal, default size. Not available now because there are no active movies.
Normal Size
This command changes the size of the active movie to its normal, default size.
Get Info…
This command creates a new Info window for the current active movie. This window presents great information about the movie. Not available now because there is no active movie.
Get Info…
This command creates a new Info window for the current active movie. This window presents great information about the movie.
Movie Menu
This menu contains the commands which operate on the current active movie, allowing you to play, resize, or get information about a movie.
Movie Menu
This menu contains the commands which operate on the current active movie, allowing you to play, resize, or get information about a movie.
This command closes the BijouPlay application and all associated documents. If there are changed documents, you will be requested to save them.
Print To Video…
This command allows you to save your movies to videotape, at normal, double, current, and full-screen sizes. Not available now because no movie is opened.
Print To Video…
This command allows you to save your movies to videotape, at normal, double, current, and full-screen sizes.
Start Slide Show
This command starts a previously created Slide-Show of QuickTime movies. Not available now because there is no active Slide Show window.
Start Slide Show
This command starts a previously created Slide-Show of QuickTime movies.
Slide Show…
This command lets you create a Slide-Show of QuickTime Movies.
Save As…
This command allows you to save the current active window as a new file. Not available now because there is nothing to save.
Save As…
This command allows you to save the current active window as a new file.
This command allows you to save the current active Movie or Slide-Show file. Not available now because there are no documents to be saved.
This command allows you to save the current active Movie or Slide-Show file.
This command closes the currently active window, asking you to save changes (if any). Not available now because no windows are open.
This command closes the currently active window, asking you to save changes (if any).
This command allows you to open movie or slide-show files so that you may play or edit them.
New Movie
This command creates an empty movie document, in which you can paste other movies.
File Menu
Contains commands for opening, closing, saving, and displaying QuickTime movies.
Note Pad…
This command creates a new text document, in which you can enter and format text for use in a movies Text Track. Not available now because there is already an active Note Pad.
Note Pad…
This command creates a new text document, in which you can enter and format text for use in a movies Text Track.
Find Again
This command allows you to repeat finding the text which you found using the Find command. Not available now because there is nothing to find.
Find Again
This command allows you to repeat finding the text which you found using the Find command.
This command allows you to find a text string in the current active movie. Not available now because there is no Text Track to search.
This command allows you to find a text string in the current active movie.
Select All
This command selects the entire contents of a movie, allowing you to perform other editing actions on the selection. Not available now because there is no active movie to select.
Select All
This command selects the entire contents of a movie, allowing you to perform other editing actions on the selection.
This command clears (or deletes) the selection in the active movie. Not available because there is no selection to clear.
This command clears (or deletes) the selection in the active movie. Not available because there is no selection to clear.
This command copies the current movie selection which you can paste into another movie or application. Not available now because there is no active selection.
This command copies the current movie selection which you can paste into another movie or application.
This command allows you to Cut the current movie selection, which can be pasted into another movie or application. Not available now because there are no active movies or selections.
This command allows you to Cut the current movie selection, which can be pasted into another movie or application.
This command "undos" the last action which you performed on a movie. Not available now because there is nothing to undo.
This command "undos" the last action which you performed on a movie.
Edit Menu
Includes commands which are used in editing movies, such as Cut, Copy and Paste.